
On the Pakistan-India Border

Everyday a theatrical set piece takes place between the swaggering armies of Pakistan and India as border gates between the two countries at are slammed shut for the night. Performance with a purpose It’s a performance with purpose: a ritualistic face-off, a presentation of power politics. Once one people the Read more…


The Brits in Kosovo

Message from the Queen On Saturday the 12th of June 1999, in a shoe factory on the outskirts of Skopje, General Sir Mike Jackson received a telegram from the Queen; it read: “I have nothing but admiration for the way in which you have carried out your duties over recent Read more…

Oil Well

On the Great American Plains

As dusk falls, in Pine Ridge South Dakota, Oglaga Sioux gather around tables in “Big Bats,” a café cum convenience store and gas station situated at the reservation cross roads. It’s clearly the place to be, and the first time I’ve seen men hanging out in groups, as they might in eastern Read more…


Saints and Sinners in Cyprus Emergency

“There was dancing, and singing, and smoking, can you imagine!” says the bespectacled Father Linos, referring to the tourist activities that once took place within the grounds of the now immaculately manicured Machairas Monastery. He glances towards the Bishop responsible for arresting this decay and revitalising the surroundings and several Read more…